
Steam reviews hogwarts legacy
Steam reviews hogwarts legacy

steam reviews hogwarts legacy

Hogwarts Legacy nails this part of the fantasy with an ambitious recreation of the school grounds, but you have to go out in search of interaction eventually.ĭeveloper Avalanche Software promised that Hogwarts Legacy would let us "experience life as a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry".

steam reviews hogwarts legacy

To chase apparitions, hunt for secrets, and listen to students bicker about House Points without interruption. Why you're free to marvel at the grand old architecture. It's why you can spend hours idly walking labyrinthian corridors.

steam reviews hogwarts legacy

Hogwarts became an avenue for adventure and weird homework assignments, where chosen children could master spellcraft and unravel mysteries woven through the fabric of the castle.Īt a surface level, Hogwarts Legacy understands this entirely. We explored this from the perspective of the Boy Who Lived, though it's really the School He Attended that attracted attention. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, and the works that followed it, established a fascinating fantasy world full of magic, monsters, procedures, and politics.

Steam reviews hogwarts legacy